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This profile is Epson's canned profile for the Epson 1200 printer.


Plotted with the working space set to sRGB.
Plotted with the working space set to Apple RGB.

There are at least three things that strike me as interesting about this profile:

  1. The profile is very smooth with no sudden bends that will otherwise cause banding. All profiles should have this characteristic, and if they don't it may be regarded as a defect.
  2. I suspect the native gamma of Epson printers more closely resembles that of the Macintosh, hence the brightening relative to my sRGB working color space. Indeed, I changed my working space to Apple RGB, and the curve was much flatter.
  3. The red line is slightly above green, and the blue is slightly below the green. This is probably an attempt to err on the side of a slightly warm, somewhat orange, image. In general, Epsons do indeed print with a slightly reddish cast on systems that are misconfigured for double profiling.

For best viewing, adjust your monitor until you can see all the squares.

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